Democracy is fragile, yet democracy everywhere is under attack. If given chance, chose democracy over tyranny


Tanzania has recorded some strides towards democratic consolidation, encouraging political pluralism and recording peaceful political transitions. However, some significant accountable governance gaps exist and there have been reported instances where the successes recorded on political governance could be threatened.

In Tanzania and East Africa generally , despite the progress made since independence,  electoral disputes are common and electoral management bodies are often criticized as biased and often tilted towards supporting the ruling party. Political pluralism is awash with a myriad of small political parties characterized by one man syndrome, internal wrangles and limited capacities to coordinate and deliver successful electoral campaigns. Civic education is limited and voter education is often rushed and unsustainable. There is generally concerns over restrictive political, civic and media space, militarization of democratic space, weakening institutions and a culture of democracy

What we do

Our targeted work includes generating and promoting knowledge, capacities and practices of citizens and institutions that facilitate democracy, democratic consolidation and accountable governance. We 

  • Targeted analysis , information, education and advocacy for free and fair democratic processes and citizens participation ,
  • Creative Civic Education and sensitization through activities such as  production  of civic education training manuals  for promoting a democracy culture and peace,  analytical media products on election and accountability such as;  How they voted? ijue mtaa , mbunge, jimbo, jiji yako? etc
  • Engagement and support of political institutions such as political parties, public institutions in democracy such as the Office of Registrar of Political Parties and National Electoral Commissions
  • Collaborative work with other Civil society and like minded institutions in joint trainings, joint publications, joint convening events and campaigns etc.
  • Support legislative and policy reforms to support electoral democracy and accountability
  • National and Regional convenings on democratic consolidation, peace, and stability.
  • Election Monitoring and Observation