about us
about us

Governance and Economic Policy Centre (GEPC) is a regional think and do governance and development  organisation, based in Tanzania, with a national, regional and  Africa continental outlook, interested in Economic Governance ( Policy, Taxation, Trade and Investment), Political Governance, Extractive Governance, Climate Change Governance. We do basic research, awareness, training and advocacy.

GEPC was established and run by a team of professionals with a diverse background in governance, economics, diplomacy, taxation , law, trade and investment. We are also part of a larger network of likeminded institutions and formations

We are  motivated to bridge the existing gap between knowledge and practice, by  leveraging  our work and expertise to influence discourse and change for the better



Our vision is to be a catalyst of a society where every governance and economic policy action contributes to equitable sustainable development

As an organisation, we aspire to be the best knowledge hub and leader in governance and policy intellectual discourse space in Tanzania and the East Africa region, helping citizens and governments, influencing debate and practices in the focus areas we work.


Our mission is to facilitate  knowledge generation, transfer, awareness and participation in governance and economic actions for equitable sustainable development. 

How we pursue this mission

We pursue this mission through independent research, advocacy, monitoring and constructive engagement and sharing our knowledge through our various platforms such as our training clinics, analytical publications,  website blog posts and the flagship regular Governance and Economic tracker bulletins sent out to our thousands of online subscribers.  

Research, consultancy and knowledge generation
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Advocacy and Citizen engagement
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Networking and alliance building
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We work at national and international level. We are a member of national and international networks engaged in governance and policy discourse in Tanzania such as Hakirasilimali, the Global Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Association and Africa Economic Diplomats study circle

Our members as community of practioners and experts in various capacities are regular contributors in shaping the governance, extractive governance, international trade, taxation, diplomacy, peace and economic policy   discourse in Tanzania. You can join our team by sending us an email via: info@gepc.or.tz

about us

Our Core Values

We are guided by a set of core values which inform how our staff, members of the board and associates operate in their work and relation with our stake holders, clients and partners. These values are:


We will stay above any partisan or political interests and adhere to objectivity in our work and relationship with others. The nonpartisan spirit will be reflected in all our engagement, information and products that we provide.


We will be committed to honesty, trustworthy and adherence to ethical principles of good conduct. GEPC will maintain a zero tolerance on corruption or any forms of unethical conduct in our internal and external work and relations with others.


We will be professional in approaching all our work and handling or relating with our clients, partners and others whom we work with, work for or interact with. We will seek and demonstrate high level of competence on the issues that we handle

Resourcefulness and Self learning:

We will strive to be resourceful to our constituency and constantly pursue new frontiers of knowledge on issues that we handle. We will be a self-learning organisation from our own work and the work of or with others. As a practice we will create opportunities for self-reflection and learning


We will be committed to building accountability mechanisms within the organisation. We will be accountable to our stakeholders, development partners and commitment to providing information in regards to our operations and being accountable for our work. We will also constantly seek accountability from other stakeholders and duty bearers.
