Climate Change and Energy Transition negotiations should be about people.  A just transition cannot be achieved if the majority already affected by climate change and are likely to be affected by the energy transition as a mitigation measure are not heard on the negotiation table

By Moses Kulaba

The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as Conference of Parties (COP), was held from 6 -18 November 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. This year’s COP was branded as the African COP since it  happened on the African continent.

Interestingly, this was not be the first COP on the African continent (Africa has hosted other COPs before in Morocco, Durban and Nairobi) and if going by the precedent set by past COPs, climate change commitments and targets were never honored especially by the world leading countries in terms of carbon emissions even after the Paris Agreement. The COP26 promised funds which never came.

In most cases the African political leadership was often disjointed in terms of a common position grounded on the realities of the continent’s people, livelihoods, and economies as the least contributors to the climate crisis.  Furthermore, the people’s voices and grievances are often excluded in the negotiations and processes thereafter. The net result has been a technical process which has led to a potentially slow but catastrophic climatic journey to oblivion, with Africa bearing the brunt of climate shocks and stress.

Despite being the least polluter, Africa faces the worst vagaries of climate change and energy transition risks. Previous IPCC reports indicate that Africa is experiencing more rises in temperatures and sea levels than anywhere else in the world. In the next decade, Africa will experience intense heat waves of up to 5 times more than ever recorded, more uncertain rainfall, droughts etc. Africa is facing significant total disruptions and mitigation and adaptation is required to reduce overall risks of climate change.

Currently, East and Horn of Africa is experiencing the worst drought in over 40 years, with between 22 million to 50 million facing starvation and over 3.4 million children already malnourished. The March to May rains were the lowest in 70 years which has resulted in multiple cycles of crop failure and loss of millions of livestock which are essential sources of livelihood.

For Africa, the potential risks of global warming and climate change are everywhere and daily risk that we face. With a total Forest cover of about 7,13,789 sq km which is 21.71% -24.6% of the geographical area of the country, Tanzania is one of the largest remaining carbon sink. Tanzania’s forests contain more than 2,019 million metric tons of carbon in living forest biomass. Yet, it is estimated that between 1990 and 2010, Tanzania lost 19.4% of its forest cover, or around 8,067,000 ha. At this rate, we could lose half of our forest cover by 2030.

A sudden rise in the Ocean Sea levels by around 3 feet is enough to partially submerge Zanzibar. National Geographic scientists estimate that the islands of Zanzibar and Mafia are likely to disappear under water by 2100 due to a rise in sea level triggered by global warming. Globally, sea level has risen about eight inches since the beginning of the 20th century and more than two inches in the last 20 years alone. Every year, the sea rises another .13 inches (3.2 mm.) New research published on February 15, 2022, shows that sea level rise is accelerating and projected to rise by a foot by 2050.

It was this reason that I argued for CoP27 and any future negotiations on Climate Change and Energy Transition negotiations to be meaningful, they should be about people.  A just transition cannot be achieved if the majority already affected by climate change and are likely to be affected by the energy transition as a mitigation measure are not heard on the negotiation tableTangible results for Africa can only be achieved by;

Making climate change technology available

Make climate change technology available and cheap on the African continent. The unit cost of several low emission technologies has fallen since 2010 and innovation policy packages have also enabled the costs to go down. Both innovation systems and policy packages have helped to overcome the distributional, environmental, and social impacts potentially associated with global diffusion of low technology. Unfortunately, this investment and technological advancement are not evenly distributed. They are scantier in less developed countries and Africa in general.

As that transition is happening, Africa is being left behind, but it is rushed and expected to catch up at a similar pace like its developed counter parts. Therefore, a just transition in real sense is required that allows or enables Africa to benefit in the ongoing climate change technological advancement.

Africa should not only be a market but also a producer of climate change mitigation technology. As a matter of essence and fairness, let production of these be based on the African continent to make use of existing technology input resources, adding values, and creating jobs.

Harnessing Africa’s Oil Gas and Coal, without locking into a fossil future

Allow Africa to exploit its fossil resources in the short term as it gradually transits. Africa has vast deposits of coal and is largely an emerging producer of oil and gas. There are different views on the continent on the future of gas as a source of energy. The question that is often asked is whether gas can be described as ‘a clean’ fossil. But based on its energy poverty status, growing population and sustainable development goals. It is evident that Africa will continue to rely on oil as a source of energy for a longer foreseeable future than its developed counterparts.

The emerging African political leadership consensus appears to support the continued investment and use of gas as a transitional source of energy to bolster their energy mix plans to meet increasing energy demand required to propel Africa into the future. It is true that statistical data shows investment and deployment of clean and renewable energy has been increasing globally however the pace has not yet reached a tipping point to overtake fossil based sources on the African continent.  It is therefore imperative to have a balance that allows Africa to use its gas for development but is careful not to lock itself into a non-sustainable gas or fossil future.

Africa has vast deposits of coal. The recent Russia Ukraine war showed that despite earlier predictions, the use of coal as a source of energy may now have a longer lifetime than earlier predicted, as European Countries such as Germany planed to re-fire their coal plants as a way of diversifying away from reliance on Russian gas, meeting current energy demand and securing their future energy security. This therefore meant that perhaps this can allow Africa to exploit and benefit in the short-term demand, with or without totally losing out and locking itself in a coal carbon future. This could be a risky bet but worth trying as strategies are developed for a gradual phaseout.

Leveraging Africa’s transition minerals

There is need to leverage Africa’s transition minerals to drive economic prosperity and smooth domestic transition. Africa is endowed with vast deposits of minerals which are critical to the clean energy technology required in support of the energy transition and road to net zero. Africa produces less oil but more minerals. According to statistical data between 48% to 70% of cobalt (which is used in the manufacture of batteries for electric car vehicles and phones) and 4% of copper and 1% of lithium is found in the DRC. Tanzania, and Mozambique account for 45% of global graphite, with Tanzania ranked alone ranked to have around the 5th largest global reserve.

Historically, Africa has been a source of materials for global progressUnfortunately, minerals in Africa have been largely a source of misery and death.  The heart wrenching stories of mineral driven conflicts in Eastern DRC is well documented. A just transition, therefore,  cannot be achieved if Africa’s minerals are exploited to serve the technological advancement and energy security elsewhere. Africa’s resource rich countries should not be bystanders in this potential energy revolution. This time around Africa must be thinking about how to position itself, so it doesn’t find itself riddled with the resource curse which has bedeviled the continent for so long.

Pegging  Africa’s development on Africa Agenda 2063

Capping global warming at 1.5°C requires a transition to clean energy by 2030 and that global emissions reach net zero by 2050. This is barely less than eight years from now and many African Countries will not beat this deadline. Africa  can not be rushed into an energy transition. To have a just transition in Africa, governments and Africa people’s participation is critical in setting the agenda for the COP negotiations and securing targets that are feasible.

Africa needs to develop or redefine its vision and mission on climate change and energy transition. This redefined vision may be slightly different from the global vision but aligned to Africa’s vision, needs and development determinant factors or drivers of development. For example, setting Africa’s energy transition targets to Agenda 2063 could plausible idea.

Implementing NDCs and NAPs at government level

At government level, implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans is critical At the previous COPs, the NDCs were lauded as a major breakthrough demonstrating global political commitment by member states towards climate change mitigation and adaptation. Unfortunately, in many African countries these plans have largely remained unimplemented. Leveraging financing of the NDCs will be an essential game changer in turning the tide against climate Change.

Financing Climate Change and the transition

One of the major obstacles holding back efforts to combat climate change is finance  and finance!. A just energy transition for Africa cannot be achieved without financing. Globally, there is sufficient liquidity and capital to finance climate change. In 2010 developed countries committed provide USD100 billion annually towards climate change. Unfortunately, this promise has not been honored. Much  of what is available is not reaching the African continent.

Africa requires and faces acute shortage in access to energy. Around 759 Mln people in Africa still lack access to electricity. According to the UN Road Map to 2030, it requires only 35bln annually to bring electricity to the 759 million who lack it in Sub Saharan Africa. Indeed, with as low as USD 25 bln annually spent, can raise all 2.6bln people who have no access to electricity, yet Africa seems not to get this money. CoP27 should be where this stain of shame in the fight against climate change is put to an end.

Financing Africa’s climate change and energy transition pathways is mutually beneficial to both Africa and the developed world. By virtue of its location and current low levels of emission, Africa so far is the largest existing carbon sink and buffer that so far can help save the globe.

Africa is not ready to finance a just transition because governments have a limited fiscal space to finance it due to debt servicing pressures and competing priorities for social expenditures. Developed countries must provide financing which was committed and follow by curbing illicit capital and financial out flows from Africa to enable the continent to use it to finance the transition.

Curb illicit financial flows from the continent.

For Africa to be ready for climate change and energy transition, there’s need to seal the existing  loopholes that are facilitating Illicit Financial Flows from Africa to the tune of U$ 89 billion annually (according to the 2020 United Nations Conference Trade and Development report). Much of these outflows trace their destination to developed countries and tax havens whose headquarters are located in developed countries. They are facilitated by weak governance structures, tax avoidance and white collar corruption. If these loopholes are closed, Africa could effectively meet and exceed its financing gap of U$ 70 billion for renewable energy.

In a nutshell, give Africa the financial means to deliver on climate change. Provide cheap technology for Africa to deliver on renewable energy. Facilitate Africa to add value to its green minerals so countries such as Tanzania, DRC and Zambia can share the benefits from their mining resources. Provide Africa with adequate timelines to catch up with  its developed counterparts and most importantly listen to our voices at the COPs if we are to collectively deliver on climate change and targets to net zero.

**A modified version of this article also appeared in the Citizen Newspaper of 10th November 2023 to coincide with the COP27